Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Not sure about life

Well haven't written one of these in a while. Still waiting for one of the fellas to realize and "blog" me back. 
Quote of the year:
"Life's not a mystery, it's a game... So stop questioning and start playing" -Reyn

1. Pan actually kissed a chick and not a dog
2. Emerson will always suck penis
3. Will is moving to Ann Arbor
4. France is unsure about his sexuality 
5. Ben hasn't been around in a while
6. Not even sure what's going on with David

France is gay?

So yeah I guess France is gay. Lol we all saw that coming

Plane rideski

I'm sitting next to big J on this plane ride and it's hella boring. I think people are thinking that I'm serious about these blogs.... It's a joke. Just had to get that quickie across. Waiting for Ben the big word guy or pan the dog lover to respond. Anyone would be nice tbh. Thanks fellas. Have a nice night #whores 

Little action

Well basically I haven't seen a good blog in a while. #whodat? Hehe just bringing good times back and sending a quick blog out there to the fellas. Hope you boys are reading this, probably not. 
Story time:
I was questioning myself on why I had the app "Blogger" and then I remembered. 
Alright have a good night boys and someone blog me back. #beatitup

Game over

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Doctors office

Well today I'm at the doctors office just chillin. The doctor touched my wiener today. Score? I tweeted it and then said that someone was on my account even tho they weren't. And it's wills birthday. Where's Nas? Happy birthday bud. In honor of Conan. "Let boys be boys" No one has seen my blog in a while. 6-20-13 baby. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Soccer Retreat.... Tyler's queer

Well brother rice tryouts have been going on and we just got back from the retreat. Dan weirdest fucking thing ever... The camp was so weird. We were greeted in the morning by human birds so called and non stop music... I thought we were eating breakfast. We cut 5 people in our room nate marchello Tyler me and pan.... Pan had to sleep on chairs... Fag. Tyler won the douchiest most queer person ever he had so many mood swings and fake slept talked the entire night. Whata dick. Well everyone told us that the seniors were gonna give us some dicks to our faces as a prank. Thank god these doors had locks on them otherwise we would all have become non Covina that weekend. Tyler sucked hunters dick way to hard... His classic handshake with him... " what dude it's our handshake" and Tyler also sleeps with his mouth open so he would have got a dick In the mouth... Queef. Sarkis... Hahahha kids such a queer. But at tryouts today pan and Nate decided to wear the same shirt what queers they looked like the classic simese queers.... Everyone noticed and made fun of them... (no one said. Word but me and Tyler) well its a wrap
Game over

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Birthday boy

Ok well it's my birthday it was a pretty good day plenty of birthday wishes... Except for my bestist bud... Fuck you pan. Well I went togillians house and we all had a good time then I went to soccer and that sucks so boring. Well should have a good time at the tigers game tomorow? Hope so. Well I'm listening to big Sean getting some "typical responses" boys... Kill me now. Well peace I'm out
Game over