Thursday, November 10, 2011

Half Day

Well, what a day!
The day started off with a boaring half day at school. Good thing I didnt have to go through that miserable science class. Well me ben and will and dan walked home to my crib .haha. in the pooring rain. We got soaked but it was a great time. We then finally got home, and played a epic FIFA tournament until cameron and emerson arrived. Before they got to my place me hung out in the quote-on-quote "The Cave" for a bit. Pan and emerson arrrive an hour and a half later, but emerson decides to greet us with a complete douche move, he says the following, "guys i cant really do anything because i have a bruise on my tail bone." We all immediatley get rambunctious and start calling him a fag. Then we all immedialtley decide it was just be a delight if we go and play a nice game of front yard football. The teams were set it was Reyn, Dan, and Will V.S Pan, Ben and Emerson. The game ended 82-82.  What a time. Reyn and Will hooked up.... with many amazing touch down passes, great throws Will. Reyn plays Qb for a play and Dan is long and says "I Promise i will catch it" Reyn says ok fine little doucher and he throws it and dan catches it! WOW! great job. We voted Reyn the MVP. Which is me. hehe. We would have never stopped but Dan quit. what a fag and a little doucher. But we later realized that Reyn completely owned Ben and Pan as Reyn would like to say Ben and Pan were his "Bitches" He was very true becasue Reyn owned them.

Later that day....
After football which dan quit (douche) Someone decided it would be just dandy to go streaking with just are underwear on. Ben or Will gave this idea to the group. We all agree. as we are going we run into a school bus with a bunch of toddlers on it, they are scared we can tell. We brought a football so we can enjoy a nice game of catch as we streak. Reyn notices an old lady getting quite horny in a window staring at us. very creepy. We then go home and everyone leaves. Great day boys. I mean it to.

Lastly, reyn finds out we could have been cought and arrested for sexual predators. We realize we are all complete dumbasses.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pan. (Normal or Dumbass?)

November 7, 2011
So in 1 hour, pan is playing with some string. and im sitting there thinking there is something wrong with him. I later find out there is something wrong with him. He likes dogs and he is also completely stupid. sorry pan, ur just not very smart. we still all love you though, so stay strong. This therefor shows that Pan is a dumbass. Get better soon. See ya Fellas.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Dream

November 5, 2011

My top 5 things to accomplish in my life time:

1. Take a shit in a urinal.

2. Get Pan to stop watching dog porn.

3.  Get on Tosh.0

4. Get my mom to stop calling me a man whore.

5. Find My dream woman... and run off with her in the afternoon sunset. Oh boy how I love romance.

Things that piss me off

November 5, 2011

Top 5 things that Piss me off:
1. When you are in a gas station and you need to take a piss... But the guy ahead of you is just taking a 2 and a half hour shit.

2. When people say one word text messages so you can't keep a conversation going.

3. When people completely destroy my dream. Ex. When I say I cant wait to have my own tv show... and then some douche bags just completely tell me that its never gonna happen. Just wait.

4. When people like cameron always think of themselves. I mean if your gona hog the computer you have to at least let me watch it to. If you are going to watch dog porn... you have to let others watch it with you.

5. When people are complete douche bags and follow hoes before bros. (Ex. Emerson) I just hate it. I mean if you rather hang out with a bitch, then fine but that just means that I'm not your friend.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

4 Hour

Noevember 2, 2011
Ok so I'm in 4 hour and I'm just sitting there going to town, when I look up, and see a little message on the board.  The message say "Spanish students, Thanks for adopting me in Mexican town yesterday. I love you all. Especially 4 hour. Love, Buster

(Buster is a dog pinajata.)
If you look closely it says "Love Buster." Because of the fact that Buster is a dog pinajata, he cant wright!! I later find out Coco had written this and not Buster. Therefor watch out for coco, trying to fool you, when she does that shit! Jokes on you Coco it didn't fool me!

I just want to let everyone know that Coco will try to trick you, So watch out for that bitch.

My Work here is done.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Just for fun

November 1, 2011
So I'm just sitting here when I think to myself why in the hell am I blogging?!?! Then I realize... Guess what I realize... Go ahead guess... Oh yeah I blog bc it's fun


Hey everyone I just had a great night trick or treating or trick or hoe as Reyn would say. It was a great night! We started off by going to Georges house for a friendly game of backyard football. We stared our journey... we couldn't find Delaney and Madison (sucks for Pan and Will). Ben pulled a pretty douche move by doing the following: Ben says "HAHAH Delaney has a bf pan" "Cameron gets mad punches been and calls him a straight up doucher. Ben says shutup and cameron says sorry I just had a mental breakdown. We later all forgive each other. The first house we go to is abandon and its very scary. Although, we did greet the house by skipping up to it and playing sexy and I know it. We kept on calling for Delaney that night Reyn said " Delaney... Treat" which we all know got Pan horny. We went to a house that had full size candy bars we all said trick or treat but reyn's usuall trick or hoe. WTF?? The lady was a great lady, caucasian, brown hair, with crystal eyes. She gave us some Red Bull and Apple Juice because she didn't have any candy. Complete score. After the house we all feel that our bladders need to take a break. Reyn and Will Take a piss off the edge of a rock as Ben pissed in the road. What a relief, to bad it smelled like dirty ass :(.  Throughout the night Reyn pulled what we like to call "genius double trouble". Go up to the front disguised. Grab the goods. Shuffle to the back. Will says "We've got one more". Reyn comes back not disguised. Classic. We ask some girls if they are Delaney, they arent, but we figure out they go to BH and one goes to Country Day. Olivia, Emma, and Lauren were their names. Olivia starts to fall for Cameron when she says "what do you look like without the afro", he pulls it off and she immediatley gets hard, or so we think she does. She says she got a full ride scholarship for soccer to country day. We knew right away she was perfect for Pan. We get all happy and tell them how perfect they would be for each other. We then, give Olivia the last name of "Big Lids". We started to go trick or hoeing with them. LOL. We start to walk and Emma ditches us becasue we find out she is scared of boys. We all start walking  back for her, and she won't stop so we start singing, "Oh Emma your being  a doucher... please come back, Ohhhh" She then gets even madder and now she won't stop. We leave her and go tepeaing with the girls. Reyn and Will start and just throw the toilet paper every where around the trees. All of a sudden Reyn decides it would be a fun time if he rings the door bell, he does and then everyone runs away from the house. Great Time Fellas. We leave the girls. Some guys try to pick a fight as we are almost home and they follow us all the way down to George's house... oh shit we were scared! We then get home safely, and everyone says good bye. Great Night Fellas. Can't Wait for Next Year! Don't let the unicorns nibble. As Pan would say...
"Pan Out"