Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Not sure about life

Well haven't written one of these in a while. Still waiting for one of the fellas to realize and "blog" me back. 
Quote of the year:
"Life's not a mystery, it's a game... So stop questioning and start playing" -Reyn

1. Pan actually kissed a chick and not a dog
2. Emerson will always suck penis
3. Will is moving to Ann Arbor
4. France is unsure about his sexuality 
5. Ben hasn't been around in a while
6. Not even sure what's going on with David

France is gay?

So yeah I guess France is gay. Lol we all saw that coming

Plane rideski

I'm sitting next to big J on this plane ride and it's hella boring. I think people are thinking that I'm serious about these blogs.... It's a joke. Just had to get that quickie across. Waiting for Ben the big word guy or pan the dog lover to respond. Anyone would be nice tbh. Thanks fellas. Have a nice night #whores 

Little action

Well basically I haven't seen a good blog in a while. #whodat? Hehe just bringing good times back and sending a quick blog out there to the fellas. Hope you boys are reading this, probably not. 
Story time:
I was questioning myself on why I had the app "Blogger" and then I remembered. 
Alright have a good night boys and someone blog me back. #beatitup

Game over